Remove, clean, and dry your pumpkin seeds overnight. For this recipe shoot for about three cups of seeds. Preheat your oven to 325°F and use cooking spray to grease your sheet pans. In a bowl, mix 4 Tbsp of sugar, 2 tsp ground cinnamon and 1 tsp of salt. In a separate bowl, mix 2 Tbsp melted butter and add ½ tsp vanilla extract. Add the pumpkin seeds to your wet ingredients, coat well and then add the dry ingredients while mixing. Once well incorporated, spread evenly in a single layer on your sheet pans and bake 25-35 minutes. Cool on parchment paper. |
Salt substitutes have been a dietary means used to help maintain healthy blood pressure in at risk individuals. Sodium can raise blood pressure and cause the retention of fluids that ultimately can affect kidney, heart, and lung function. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends less than 2300mg, the equivalent of one teaspoon of sodium, per day for the average healthy citizen and even less for children. Salt is typically found in more highly processed food items such as deli meats, pizzas, poultry, and savory packaged snacks. NaCl, or table salt, does contain sodium; however, studies indicate that over 70% of dietary sodium comes from prepacked foods versus table salt added during cooking. Moreover, the increasingly trending use of sea salt has spurred some iodine (an added element to table salt) deficiencies that is notable given its need for proper thyroid function. Overall, a more careful approach to buying prepacked foods may be the best line of defense for maintaining health. Salt substitutes come in a variety of options from potassium chloride salts to herbs and spices, depending upon the individuals’ needs. From garlic to lemon zest, onion powder and nutrition yeast, more natural options are endless. |
Body image is the perception that someone has of their physical self. This includes any thoughts and feelings associated with that perception. For many individuals, there is a combination of positive, negative, and neutral experiences and thoughts related to their body image. Self-acceptance can be particularly challenging in a time of heightened social media use where comparison to others is at an all-time high. Understanding how our thoughts can drive our behaviors is the first step in creating healthy mind body experiences. Some key things to engage in at home include avoiding negative self-talk and body comparison, especially in front of children. It is also important to be aware of what is read and looked at, especially online. |
The Online School Lunch Difference
Lunch lines and school cafeterias can make it difficult for schools to maintain social distancing. With HotLunch.com, foodservice providers can utilize a classroom-based distribution system to deliver lunch straight to a student’s classroom and maintain social distancing. |
More About School Lunches, Nutrition and Healthy Kids |
HotLunch.com is used by schools across North America! With HotLunch.com you can easily manage school-lunch administration, publish lunch menus online, receive payments, and reduce time spent on managing parent transactions, including fundraising, after-school care, volunteering, and much more.
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HotLunch.com Now Available in Spanish & French |
Our school lunch software is now available in Spanish and French, making it easier for schools around the world to utilize our school lunch system. This update allows more families to reap the benefits of HotLunch.com. |
Hotlunch.com partners to educate unprivileged girls |
We are proud to partner with Ainiti.org, an organization that empowers and educates underprivileged girls through technology. Thanks to you, profits from Hotlunch.com will be used to support girls in need.
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Cheyenne Richards is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a private practice team that provides nutrition counseling across the U.S. and as far as Germany. She attended the University of Oklahoma where she received her Bachelor's, after which she earned her M.B.A. in Austin, Texas. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is an American Council on Exercise Certified Health Coach. When not working, Cheyenne enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, cooking, gardening, and other outdoor activities. |
Simple, Fast, Accurate solution for Schools, Food Service Providers & Offices www.hotlunch.com |